Spring in Europe: 50 Travel Tips from Those in the Know

Visiting Rome during Holy week or Easter week is always a treat. Not just because we have a very simpatico Pope, but also because we know how to celebrate! Tender baby lamb is traditional Easter fare; paired with a bottle of Merlot, they’ll ensure your feast will be a religious experience! Instead of Easter baskets, we Romans do giant chocolate eggs that crack open to reveal a lovely gift. Chocolate paired with Graham’s 20 Year-Old Tawny Port is a real sweet treat! Travelers beware: Roman Easter is so good we celebrate it twice. Easter Monday is called Pasquetta or little Easter. There is also a Roman saying: Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi, which means Christmas is spent with family and Easter is spent with whomever you want.

— Marco Lori, Eating Italy


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